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Friday This & That: Friends and Babies
Hello and happy Friday! I hope everyone is enjoying a nice three day weekend. What are you up to? Anything special going on for Easter?...
Cooking for Love: Banana Bread
During my long absence from blogging I planned a wedding and married the love of my life. Now, a bunch of my time is joyously spent...
Podcasts Vol. 2
So now you know I love heartfelt podcasts that draw people together. This is very far off from being the only kind of podcast there is to...
As Summer Winds Down
All summer long we've been having people over to go swimming. Many wonderfully refreshing afternoon swims and late night hot tub girl...
Old School Correspondance
There is something really lovely about receiving a letter in the mail. I think nearly everyone agrees. Those who don't probably don't...
By Myself Book Club
The other day, while at my friend's house, I was perusing the bookshelf, contemplating which book I should borrow. Now I should preface...
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