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Friday This & That: Friends and Babies

Hello and happy Friday! I hope everyone is enjoying a nice three day weekend. What are you up to? Anything special going on for Easter? Hope it's a fabulous one. In the meantime Nik and I are off to the States this week: spending Easter with my parents and celebrating my cousins wedding next week! Here are a few fun things for your weekend.

This photo is a throwback to last Spring and a fun little weekend trip I took with college roommates. It feels both like a moment and a lifetime ago! It's crazy to think only two still live Texas, one is in grad school, one in Canada, and one expecting a baby! I love them all to pieces. So glad to have lifelong friends who get me and love me the way I am.

Speaking of babies, have you ever heard of swistle baby names? It's basically an advice column for people trying to name their babies. I have been hooked ever since I discovered it (the night before I moved into university dorms when I was too excited to sleep.) They even did a post where three sisters wanted to use the SAME NAME *gasp* which happens to be Nik and I's favorite name. (No we are not having a baby right now. I just like names.)

I'm finally sleeping well, but before that I found this nifty sleep calculator. Have you ever slept nine hours and just woken up totally exhausted? Well instead of that you can now time sleep around your REM cycles and wake up feeling refreshed every time.

That's all for this week! Have a good one :)

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