Old School Correspondance
There is something really lovely about receiving a letter in the mail. I think nearly everyone agrees. Those who don't probably don't receive letters. Growing up overseas, snail mail was particularly exciting, be it packages, letters, or postcards. Those items were tangible objects from loved ones, something you could hold knowing it had been in the hands of a friend or family member.
When I started college a few of my high school friends and I wrote letters to one another on a regular basis. We would water color the envelopes, send magazine pictures, or write the letters directly onto the pages of old books. (Never fear, we chose boring outdated books for our mixed media communications). It was a continuation of the encouraging, silly, fun, beautiful notes we left one another in our high school mailboxes.

Today I'm writing back to one of these friends. She is newly married to someone I have never met, but hopefully will in the not too distant future. Though she and I have not seen each other in over three years, we remain close and talk almost daily using the Internet. I hope the letters we exchange help our friendship stay tangible, even as our time apart is long. They bring back the memories of time spent in sunny yellow kitchens, sitting on low walls alongside lakes, planes taken to distant cities, and jokes shared among friends. Though these memories are all filtered down and distorted through time, they remain a beautiful link between us, to be built on with news, and thoughts, and well wishes.

Here's a photo from back in the day, for kicks.