about me

contact me
Hello, my name is Kate. It's nice to meet you.
This is the place where I tell you who I am and why I have a blog.
I have lived all over (France, Germany, USA) and now reside in Manitoba, Canada (also known as magical, winter wonderland) with my wonderful husband. We are middle school best friends turned college sweethearts. I love our love story and will probably never stop talking about it.
I started, and have been continuing, this blog in seasons of "in between-ness." I wanted to challenge myself to write more and take better pictures. I'm an all over the place, multiple hobbies, fun-loving kind of gal. Some of the things I love are plants, knitting, cooking, walks, taking pictures, and reading. This blog is a place for me to bring all of it together and throw new things into the mix. I hope you enjoy coming on this ride with me!
If you'd like, you can contact me below or find me, using the social media buttons, on Pinterest or Instagram.