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Friday's This & That
It's been forever since I did one of these! I love them though so I thought I would pop one back up here to tell you what I've been up to...
February's Resolution: Reading
I'm going to be honest: February's resolution was a bit of a flop. Why was reading every day so hard? I basically read every day in...
Resolutions and Habits
I know it seems odd to be talking about resolutions in February. "Aren't resolutions solely reserved for New Years?" you ask. I should...
Checklist Days
Some days, this year feels like an endless row of checklists, day after day, piling up and spilling off the edge of the desk. Some are...
By Myself Book Club
The other day, while at my friend's house, I was perusing the bookshelf, contemplating which book I should borrow. Now I should preface...
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