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Resolutions and Habits

I know it seems odd to be talking about resolutions in February. "Aren't resolutions solely reserved for New Years?" you ask. I should hope not.

As I have touched on before, I love resolutions and I love New Years. Sadly, like many others, I struggle with follow-through on my grand, yearly resolutions. Right about now the most dedicated of all the resolution-ers of 2018 are petering out, except those who make it the whole year. I don't want to be among them so cue this year's plan!

Monthly Goals.

Don't all jump up at once. It's revolutionary, I know. (Please forgive the dripping sarcasm.) Here's how I'm doing this: Every month I plan a small goal and write it into my planner on the month page. On the weeks and days pages I write the first letter of the goal key word next to a little check box. I'm counting my goals a success if I do them more than 25 days out of the month, because we're all human. So for example my February goal is to read every day (as you see above) and each day has an "R" written on it with a spot waiting to be checked off.

At New Years I made a resolution to post to my personal, non-blog Instagram account every day for the month of January to inspire myself to take more pictures. I took and posted pictures 29 days out of the month. Success!

On the month page I also write "accomplished" and leave it blank until the end of the month. The accomplishment can be totally unrelated to the goal. For January my accomplishment is "Started Family Pasta Night" with my husband, Nik, and his siblings and cousins. (As a side note, any siblings or cousins on any side of the family are welcome on Pasta Night whenever they are in town.) Second success! I'm so excited to keep these accomplishments, both life and goal-related, as keepsakes in my planners. I'm using the same style of planner as last year because I love them. They are sleek, soft, and the perfect size for packing into a purse. I even got this year's for Christmas since we don't have Target in Canada. (Shout-out to my amazing mother!) Last year's is full of wedding planning and my first job after college. I'm so glad I have all those memories and plans stored up.

Tea and planning


The most helpful thing so far has been planning the daily goals a few months ahead and starting on them. Hence the blogging! I hope to start blogging much more consistently in a few months. However, the hardest thing about starting daily goals like that is starting from nothing, so I'm starting early. I hope you enjoy coming on this journey with me!

How are your resolutions going? What did you accomplish in January? Do you have any February resolutions? Leave a comment and let me know!

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