Hello Springtime [and some This & That]
Hey guys :)
I realize I haven't been super consistent over here and I wanted to talk about that. In late March I finally started a job (!) which has been super great. However, having a job has also made me super busy. I completely failed at both my March and April daily goals and haven't even attempted one for May. Oops. I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things for June but I think my goal will look completely different to the one I had planned.

Anyway, now that we've talked about that, here's some Friday This & That.
I have been watching a ton of Mr. Kate either when I'm cooking or whenever I can't sleep. It's got me in the mood to move things around in our house and decorate some more. Or maybe that's just normal when you've moved a lot in your life. My friend Esther said so, so it must be. Either way, I've been looking at pictures of armchairs for the last half hour. Maybe if I turn the table we can fit one in the living room...
As I look through home decor ideas, I've been staring at Anthropologie pillows thinking about how I could DIY them. Another wonderful Youtuber, Annika Victoria, already has me thinking of taking up embroidery as well. Well her and the #nicegirlsneedleclub, which I follow on Instagram. I know what you're all thinking: Another hobby, exactly what she needs. I couldn't agree more.
Since I didn't properly herald the Spring here is a photo of what I wish for you today, in addition to the one above: a pocket full of sunshine and blue sky full of delights. Spring always used to be stressful and gloomy for me so I've developed some introverted and artistic Springtime traditions, mainly rereading my favorite book and watching a movie I love. These two always make me want to paint and write poems. Not the worst activities in my view, but it's nice to have my love around and spend days together in the sun.
I hope your Spring is going well. Have a beautiful, wonderful weekend!