I've been away for a time. No apologies here for my unplanned departure. The time spent with family and then subsequently diving back into work was much needed.

Remnants of Christmas & tea time, plus the beginnings of my new knitting project (no I haven't finished the mittens)
January is one of my very favorite months of the year and it starts with my favorite holiday of all the holidays. I love New Years. Children are allowed to stay up until midnight or past it. Friends gather. People cheer. Confetti is thrown and fireworks explode the world around. In fact, in my opinion it's the most global and unifying holiday.
It brings the French word mondial to mind. Don't worry, it's not some deep philosophical meaning, it's just the French for global. However, it does reach deep into the childlike part of my mind and have me imagining the world as a floating little blue marble among the stars, with the sparks of celebration flickering across its surface and the holiday makes its way around.
And then we all resolve. We make promises to ourselves and others. To work harder. To be more patient. To give more. To be better.
There's something absolutely and exquisitely beautiful about that. The whole world in a wave takes a thoughtful deep breath and then begins anew.
So this year, I resolve to be more diligent, to finish more, and to be less concerned; but most of all, to love with open arms and no fear.

The spread at home on New Years, one of the best years yet. We watched my favorite film and were all together, the five of us.
Forgive my daydream ramblings if you will. We've had rain here all day and I've got my lovely Rainy Day songs going. My favorite favorite things are about.