Podcasts Vol. 1
If you've known me for a while, you probably know: I love podcasts.
It's the perfect way to do something interesting while you're doing something slightly less interesting. Cooking artistically but needing inspiration? Listen to a podcast. Driving to something you don't necessarily want to go to? How about a podcast. Doing housework and trying not to kill your indoor plants? Podcast. For sure.
One thing I love about podcasts is how they bring people together. I sometimes (okay, maybe always) try to get people to listen to podcasts with me. This might be partially due to my amazing family. On long road trips across countries and continents, we would often listen to books on tape. Since becoming a podcast fan, I've had two really amazing experiences with podcasts plus family.

The first was the Mystery Show. This show that was (is?) tragically short-lived and wonderfully quirky. Starlee Kine has an amazingly interesting and engaging voice and asks the important questions in life like, "What does your license plate mean?" I listened to the first five episodes with my parents. My sister listened to the first three with us but then peaced-out to go to camp. (If you're reading this Sister Dear, you still need to listen to episode 5. It has someone you love in it.) The best episode is, by far, episode 3. It's the reason my dad still occasionally asks me if there are any new episodes out.
The second was with a particularly hilarious episode of The Moth. I first heard this story in the airport at the beginning of summer while waiting to be picked up by my parents. I've never laughed so hard alone in a sea of uncomprehending people in my life, but I didn't really mind looking a fool, nor could I truly help it. Throughout my trip I listened to it at least three more times and converted my aunt to a moth listener. A few weeks later she texted me another funny episode. Please note, not every episode of The Moth is funny; some have even made me cry. However, it definitely qualifies as a heartfelt and interesting podcast.
How about you? Do you listen to podcasts? I'd love to hear about them. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know.