In the Studio Again
Ever since the start of university I have had a list. On this list were all the hobbies I was putting on hold until the end of my degree. "And at the top of this list?" you ask. Ceramics.
I spent my senior year of high school taking two semesters of blissful amazing ceramics. It wasn't enough. So when Nik was here in August and my friend asked me to take a community ceramics class with her I jumped at the chance. "Go for it," said Nik. "You've been wanting to since before we were even dating." So I did.

I spent my six week class doing a lot of throwing. It's my favorite part of ceramics. I love to sit at the wheel and feel connected to ancient humanity. I love the feeling of being firmly rooted in, carving a place for myself alongside the artisans that revolutionized the world. I daydream about how this practice changed the way we eat and doodle maps in my imagination of the first Mediterranean trade routes. I contemplate the Biblical imagery of the Potter. I dwell safely in the knowledge that my heavenly Father has both his steady hands on me, pulling me up into the vessel He intends.

Everyone should search for a pass-time like this: worshipful, peaceful, purposeful, rewarding, beautiful. Their is such joy in working with your hands, pushing against and gliding along with nature. The final product is rarely what was intended when first the eye glanced over the hunk of clay and the hands began to wedge. There is an uncertainty to my work that reminds me of my humanity.
So if you need some space to think, some purpose to your hobby, some art, or some peace of mind, maybe try searching for some clay.
If you need me I'll be in the studio.